Series : #1 What You See Is What You Get
Released : 26th May 2011
Publisher: Echelon Press
Format : Kindle
Source : Author
Finished : 19th May 2011
Overall rating
For the last ten years, Ana has spent summers with her Gram. With nothing to do, the closest beach two hours away, and Gram, who Ana is convinced is crazy, always in her garden talking to things that aren't there, Ana is bored out of her mind.
One day, Ana sees strange colors floating around Gram as she works in her garden. Gram says they're fairies. She can "See" them, and there are others who can see things. Ana's a Seer, too.
When Gram gives Ana a book that explains about the many different creatures, like selkies, unicorns, vampires, and others, Ana gets curious. She is shocked when she comes across the entry about famous werewolf hunting parents.
Rest of the blurb here
This is a very quick read, at only around 17 pages it took me around 10 minutes to read. I think Seeing For The First Time definitely has potential and that the second book in this series could make for an interesting read, if a number of things are done.
I think Ana definitely needs to be developed as in around 17 pages she definitely didn’t have time to become a proper character and be unique within herself. Because l didn’t really get enough time with her l don’t feel l can judge her character or any of the others in this book.
Another thing is l still don’t understand is the ending (explained below, Spoiler) but like l said, l do feel this book has potential. I like that this book includes many creatures, something for everything. Also l think that because everyone can see different creatures, some good and some bad, then the second book could definitely be a good read which a lot of action in and gripping chapters.
**Spoiler – ** (Highlight to read)
I didn't understand the ending. I don’t know if it’s just me but l have read over it twice and didn't understand if the man who got killed was Frank?
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Just 17 pages? Wow that is short. Hmm, I agree that you just can't develop a character in that short a story. The synopsis sounds interesting though.