
Cover Crazy #20

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Hosted by thebookworms

Reasons l love it :
I think it's a really unique cover
I love the stars and moons
The colours! - Pink on black
Makes you wonder what it is on her back
Just title and author, not lots of text

Not sure about :
Font - Could be more interesting font
Colour of her hair


  1. I hadn't heard if this book .. thank you ! It looks nice ! I've discovered a lot of books thanks to you =)!!

  2. Oh gosh, is that a spider?? I don't like spiders on covers because then I have to touch them :P I like the colors though.

  3. Lol I think it looks a bit weird. The colours are amazing, really draws you in but the spider....ergghh...creepy! Lol Donna

  4. This is like a clash of two different feelings: I enjoy the mystical designs in the dark background. They are pretty and pink. But then I'm totally creeped out by that large arachnoid image on the woman's back. The lighting spotlight's the tattoo. I wonder what significance it will play in the storyline.

    I've not seen this cover before, great choice for CC this week, I agree, totally unique!

  5. This is a pretty cover. I've never heard of the book before. Will check it on Goodreads. :)

  6. I'm with Small! I don't like touching even images of spiders! *cowers and hides from the evil spider*

  7. OMG it's got a spider on it! I just don't know if I could pick this one up with that cover. I'd have to put something over it lol.

  8. Cover is really astonishing.. Its layout & color are so attractive.. Thanks for posting...


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