
Cover Crazy #17

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Hosted by thebookworms
This reminds me a lot of the Fallen and Torment covers but l still love it!

Reasons l love it :
- The dress is gorgeous
- It hasn't crowded lots of text onto it
- I like the colours
- Makes you wonder who the girl is and what she's doing
- I love the snow

Not sure about :
- I would like to see more of the dress therefore meaning the text was a little lower
- How thin is she?!


  1. Is this the final cover? I read this book and LOVED IT, but the cover was very BLAH. I LOVE THIS COVER- very fitting for the book.

  2. Yeah, I'm reminded of Torment too. This is the first time I'm seeing the cover. I guess it's not very original, but I'm still a complete sucker for the "Girl in pretty dress" type covers :)

  3. I think this cover is okay. Honestly it seems a bit cliche at the moment, "girl stands in pretty dress looking away from you" but the city backdrop and snow certainly add something new. Besides I saw a different cover for this book and it was pretty awful. Definitely prefer this one.

  4. Ooooh, I haven't seen this cover yet! The one I saw was way darker!

  5. Oh, I like this much better than the original cover! I didn't know they'd made a new one. This is less dark, more...fancy. I think more people will pick it up to see what it's about. And I'm a sucker for pretty dresses, but you're right, it is similar to FALLEN/TORMENT. I like hte landscape and the way she's outside in that dress. I want to know why!

  6. I love this cover - can't wait to read this one!

  7. This book I have to buy. :P Just because of the cover..
    That`s why I ended up reading Fallen. I saw the Torment cover and fell in love. and the books didn`t dissapoint me.
    But as you say. It looks awful much like Torments cover. But what the hell. I love that cover :P

  8. I love the cover of this one. But it also reminds me of the cover for Shattered Souls


  9. I would love this cover more if it was origial because I agree about the Fallen similarity. Still, it's pretty! I thought the girl was thin too, maybe there's been some editing going on there? ;)

  10. I haven't seen this version before, it's prettier than the others for sure, but yeah, there's definitely a dress theme in book covers!


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