
The Time Will Come #26

The Time Will Come - 
Every Thursday l am going to list a book which l really want to read/keep meaning to get to. These are mostly books which have been on my shelf for awhile now but don't have to be, maybe you got it two weeks ago and really want to read it! 
Want to join in?
- Pick a book you have been meaning to read
- Do a post telling us about the book 
- Link the post up in the linky
- Visit the other blogs!
RosebushRosebush - Michele Jaffe
I wanted this book as soon as l heard about it!
I love books where someone has forgotten something, like what happened, who they are, where they are etc. I always find they are very engrossing books which make time disappear. 
Anyway when l got this one after buying it l thought 'Right, l am going to read this straight away' well guess what? around 3/4 months later it is still sat on my shelf unread!
I definitely want to read this one soon but as l have said with most books l feature in The Time Will Come, as it's not a review book it gets left. 


  1. Why it is not a review book? I'd like to hear what you think! :)

  2. I've been wanting to read that one for a while now, but I haven't bought it yet!

    So many great books and so little time :)

  3. Dawn - What l mean by review book is that I didn't get it for review, l brought it. I review all the books l read! =)

  4. What a pretty cover :)First time particapating


    Have a great day


  5. I've got this to read, I bought it in Birmingham, then on the train home my boyfriend decided to read it and still hasn't finished it :(

  6. I've not heard much about this one but I've seen it around a lot since I started blogging. I hope you can get to it soon since you were so eager to read it :)

  7. I really want to read this one too. Haven't bought it yet, though!

  8. Oh, this was a great book! I didn't guess the bad guy until the end! Just great!

  9. This one does sound like a really great book- plus that cover is gorgeous!

  10. Yay! I finally got round to participating! :) I don't think I've ever heard of Rosebush, but it does sound very interesting! Hope you get round to it soon! :)

  11. I'm participating this week too, after a week few weeks of being too busy to remember my own name, let alone blog properly!

  12. I think I got this one about the same time as you and it's still sitting on my tbr shelf too :)

  13. The cover is sooo pretty!! I think my 'the time will come' is The American Heiress.

  14. I tried reading this one and then DNF-ed. I wasn't feeling the characters and it didn't really go into the mystery as much as I was hoping. Hopefully you'll like it more than I did!


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