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Book Brunch

I did a post a week or so ago telling you about how l was going to involved in the Bookie Brunch.
This week was about E-books vs PB/HB.
Click here to see everyone's thoughts and join in with the discussion!
My Answers :
Do you prefer e-books or print copies of novels, and why?
This is a question l have both thought about a lot and also spoke about a lot. Everyone is different and my thoughts on this always changes a little bit but it’s mostly always the same, l prefer PB.
Why? Because there is nothing like having a PB copy of a book you have been waiting for come in the post or seeing it on the shelf and then buying it. If I’m honest l don’t really get any sort of satisfaction from getting a kindle book because l never actually really ‘see’ it. I love getting to see the covers and holding it! Another reason l love my PB books is because l love to swap books and l can’t swap kindle books and even if it becomes available within the UK it won’t be the same as swapping PB copies.
A strange thing l have found lately is how l tend to read PB books a lot quicker than l read on my kindle which makes no sense to me. If I’m honest then kindles are much more convenient because you don’t even really need any hands free, only one to press the button to turn the page. When I’m reading a PB l need two hands to read and therefore can’t read at times l can with the kindle. A problem with the Kindle is the fact it can break. I often leave a book lying around which may mean my dog lays on it or such but with my kindle l have to be so much more careful so l find l am much more likely to take a PB with me than a kindle.
Do you have a specific e-reader that you prefer?
I have a kindle which l do love, even though l have mentioned l do prefer my PB.
Why did you choose that particular e-reader, did you try any others, and what were your experiences with them?
The reason l got a kindle is because my eyes started to hurt by reading on books on my laptop that aren’t out in PB and l found out kindle uses a special ink which means you aren’t damaging your eyes. With some other e readers they are just like computer screens which are rather bad for your eyes. So far l have had great experiences with my kindle and amazon. My kindle broke which was actually my fault but amazon had replaced it and l had a new kindle within 2 days!
Do you prefer hardcovers or paperbacks, and why?
Basically, l love my PB books so much more but l wouldn't be without my kindle as it gives me the chance to read books l wouldn't be able to otherwise.
I will also be taking part on 31st July!
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