
Cover Crazy #26

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Hosted by thebookwormS
I think this cover has the potential to be a great one. If you chopped off the second half of this cover l would love it! Or if they made the second half the cover not so dull. 
I like how the font changes, l especially like the font that Heartbreakers is in but l dislike the red line going around it just because it doesn't suit the grey under it. 
Basically, if the grey was changed to a better colour, even just white, l would love this!
Another fact, can you read the authors name? No not mean either, not even when l made the image bigger! Red and grey = don't go together!


  1. I would definitely change the red border to white! Gorgeous cover otherwise. :)

    ComaCalm's Corner

  2. Great book this week. I can't wait to read this book :) Donna

  3. oh wow, you're right I didn't even see the author's name down there. Definitely not a good color combination. I think you're right and white would be a much better choice.

  4. I think I'd take out that red border all together. I like the stars though, they look so magical ^_^

  5. I agree with Laura, I'd take away the red bit entirely. I don't mind the grey actually, I think it looks nice with all the pretty stars. If there had to be a border, I guess a white one would do. And the author's name would definitely look better in white!

  6. I really like that cover. It's beautiful! I must check out the book now.

  7. I like the top of the cover! Not so much that red text!


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