
Cover Crazy #28

Hosted by thebookworms
Brightest Kind Of Darkness - P.T. Michelle
This is one l love mostly because of the setting. It really makes you wonder what the book is about and why the girl is there.
The colours of the setting are really pretty! The colours of the leaves really stand out and look good next to her red dress as well as the white text. 
I am straight away wondering what the black feathers are about and if that's what they are, definitely a cover which does it's job in the way where you want to find out more. 


  1. It is a gorgeous cover - like you I love the different colours - all shades of red and autumn time - perhaps a symbol of death or at least hybernation...? :)

  2. This really is a gorgeous cover! I'll definitely need to take a look at that book - hopefully the summary sounds as good as the cover looks. :)

    Thanks for sharing! :)


  3. I agree with everything you said. The cover does have something mysterious to it. I'm not fan of the black feathers since they feel a bit out of place but i like it.

  4. Great pick! It really is gorgeous, isn't it? I actually got a chance to review it. The review is up on my blog if you are interested in checking it out.

  5. That really is a pretty cover - I'm intrigued by the black feathers too! And I love all the leaves - thanks for sharing :).

  6. I agree, the cover makes you wonder what she's wandering into.
    Really pretty, I love the colours.

  7. Ooo how pretty! I love her red dress, so gorgeous! I haven't heard of this book until now and the cover definitely makes me interested in reading it!

  8. I'd definitely pick up this book!!

  9. I agree, the setting draws me in. I also like the red dress.


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