
Cover Crazy #27

Hosted by thebookworms
I really like this cover, it's very simple but still pretty and demands your attention. 
- I like the colouring, the white and blue to really well together.
- The text is simple but nice and also doesn't interfere with the picture.
- The simple blue background is something which a lot of covers don't have any more but yet its still pretty.


  1. Ooh, what a lovely cover! I haven't come across the book before - will have to check it out on GoodReads! :)

  2. I love this cover and I can't wait to read this book. Great pick Jodie! :)

  3. This is so pretty! I love the colours and the really faint wings in the background. I love the patterny bit of the letter "d" too. Great pick!

  4. This is such a great cover. I love how the wings are just barely there. And I completely agree with you about the text. It is just the right size and doesn't interfere. This cover most definitely makes me want to find out what this book is about.

  5. I love this cover! It quite reminds me of Claudia Grey's Fateful. :D

    ComaCalm's Corner

  6. Oh! I love it! Looks like a piece of artwork I'd hang in my house. :)

  7. This cover is scary and lovely both


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