
The Time Will Come #36


The Time Will Come - 
Every Thursday l am going to list a book which l really want to read/keep meaning to get to. These are mostly books which have been on my shelf for awhile now but don't have to be, maybe you got it two weeks ago and really want to read it! 
Want to join in?
- Pick a book you have been meaning to read
- Do a post telling us about the book 
- Link the post up in the linky
- Visit the other blogs!

The Chosen OneThe Chosen One - Carol Lynch Williams
I was so excited when I got this one (from a swap, if I remember right) and actually remember saying to myself 'I will read this one soon as it's only a little book'. Well, I didn't! I still haven't got to this one although it sounds both awesome and depressing. These are actually the sort of books I am loving right now so I hope I can read this one soon and put a review up for everyone who hasn't read it. 
Carol has also written some other books which all sound awesome so I hope to read this and some other books by her. 
(As soon as I finished this post I went and brought Miles from Ordinary)


  1. I told some people on Absolute Write that I was slightly disappointed that Wither did not challenge me more considering the themes and issues that it seemed determined to tackle. I have had several people recommend this book for something a bit more gritty and consequencial. Good luck with it!

  2. The Chosen One is such a great book- it really is awesome. It's not that long either. Read it soon- you'd love it!

  3. I've not heard of this one before Jodie. Just had a look at the synopsis on Goodreads and it sounded really good. I've added it to my wishlist :D This is what I love about book meme's it links me to people and books I haven't yet discovered! I hope you get round to this one soon.


  4. I have read this one, but it does sound really interesting. Hope you get to it soon.

  5. The Chosen One is awesome! You have no excuse for not reading it yet :P

  6. I haven't heard that much about this one. Sometimes a sad, meaningful book is the perfect thing. Hope you get to it soon!

  7. I like the cover. Looks almost otherworldly, with the almost faded out colour and the light being the way it is :)

  8. I definitely am in love with the cover of this book! I need to read this one too, I've only heard amazing things about it! I did the exact same thing, I swapped a book for another one that I said I was going to read as soon as I got it and it's still unread haha :)


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A book blog featuring Romance, Dark Romance and New Adult