
*Review* : Raw Blue - Kirsty Eager

Raw BlueRaw Blue - Kirsty Eager
Series : No
Released : 29th June 2009
Publisher: Penguin Books Australia 
Format : Paperback
Source : Borrowed - Lesley @ My Keeper Shelf
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
Tempest Maguire wants nothing more than to surf the killer waves near her California home; continue her steady relationship with her boyfriend, Mark; and take care of her brothers and surfer dad. But Tempest is half mermaid, and as her seventeenth birthday approaches, she will have to decide whether to remain on land or give herself to the ocean like her mother. The pull of the water becomes as insistent as her attraction to Kai, a gorgeous surfer whose uncanny abilities hint at an otherworldly identity as well. And when Tempest does finally give in to the water's temptation and enters a fantastical underwater world, she finds that a larger destiny awaits her—and that the entire ocean's future hangs in the balance.

 .................................... My Thoughts  ....................................
In Short
- The main character, Carly, was someone I came to like.
-This is a very raw book with strong and depressing feeling.
- A book which really touches on some tough truths.
- The writing was something I both liked and disliked. 

In Long
I don’t know what sort of book I expected from Raw Blue but it didn’t lived up to the big expectations I had because of all the hype around it. I don’t know whether it was just because I was left feeling like I missed something which others got but I didn’t or because although I wasn’t expecting a certain sort of book I still wasn’t expecting what I got.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed Raw Blue and I came to really like the main character, Carly, after a bit of a rocky start with not quite ‘getting her’ but this book felt like it never had a point to it. I think I am left feeling this because of how it was written. Kirsty is a good writer but just not my sort of writer and I can’t explain the writing style to you, you just need to read this book yourself. What I will say though is that I was often left confused by it because it felt like it was all in the wrong order. For example it would mention a character who you have never met before and the  ‘introduction’ to the character would come a lot later in the book so you are kind of left in limbo. In other ways Kirsty's writing is something I liked, it flowed really well and left you really understanding Carly’s feeling while at the same time not necessarily understanding her actions.
The romance in this book is the best thing about Kirsty’s writing. She wrote it in a way where you fall in love with the people as a couple. I have never read a romance which was so so far from being cheesy while at the same time being unbelievably cute! It’s one of the easiest romances to believe and this felt so fresh for me.
I think from this book I expected some sort of happiness but I never really felt it in this book, at no point! I think I can honestly say it’s one of the first books I have read that truly is very raw. Everything about it. The relationships, the emotions, the way Carly sees her life. It’s all very true but very depressing.I didn’t always get why Carly acted the way she acted or said the things she said but that’s ok, all people do things we don’t understand. It was another thing which made me believe in Carly.
Final Thoughts
I don’t really know how to round this book up. I loved it while I disliked it at the same time. I actually love how this book brought so many different thoughts and feeling to me, I have never had a book which has made me fall in love with the romance so strongly while still feeling slightly distant from the main girl. I think this is definitely a great read and you won’t find another book written like this (unless it’s written by Kirsty!). I can see why people loved this book and although I didn’t fall in love with it, I still really liked this book.
Just a little note : This book is written by an Australian lady and based in Australia. There is Australia slang in this book you may not understand!
Ratings :
Plot : 3.5/5
Cover : 4/5
Page Turner : 4/5
Characters : 4/5
Ending : 4/5

1 comment:

  1. I've put off reading this one because I've read so many excellent reviews of it and I'm afraid it won't live up to the hype for me. I will get to it at some point, so I hope I'm not disappointed!


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