
Cover Crazy #34

Hosted by The Book Worms
Apologises this is so late in the day. I was determined to do this post though!
Well, really, what is there not to love about this cover? I am still trying to find something I hate but I am still unsure if I will find anything! (I never did ;])
I love this cover because :
- It's sexy AND cute ;)
- I LOVE the different shades of white + black together
- The text and how the bubbles (?) are placed around it
-The water (?) and it's effect on the whole cover
- I love how you can't see one half of the guys face (mysterious)
- The cover of the font, it's like in-between black and white
- Totally intrigued about this book
- It's related to the book! (Yay!)

Ember - Carol Oates
Another cover which uses only a few colours but uses them to benefit the cover and how much it stands out.
I love this cover because :
- I love how it goes from white to black across the cover
- Well I love butterflies (who doesn't!)
- How the butterfly is the same cover of the text
- The butterfly is just so pretty!
Ok enough about the butterfly...
- I love the font minus the fact it's tiny bit tricky to read 
- I love the rain (?) around the butterfly
- It's kinda like nature mixed with humans (butterfly on hand)
Enough about the butterfly!
I just love it. Pure and simple!

I absolutely love both of these covers so much.


  1. I love both of these covers! I haven't heard of or seen either of these books, so I will have to check them out. Love the blog btw!

  2. Two great picks this week Jodie. The guy on the first one is totally drool worthy and who doesn't love a pretty butterfly. I also like that both of these covers are black & white. Simple yet provocative.

    My Cover Crazy

  3. Both those covers are breathtaking. Truly. I would buy them based on that alone! :)

  4. Both of these are incredibly gorgeous covers and both books are on my to-read list as well. :D I just can't resist a pretty cover.


  5. I haven’t read this yet but I am sure I am bit excited with the cover and the review and seeking to read in the future.

  6. Well, it seems to be a touching story and I am quite interest with the page cover as well and looking forward to read and I thank you for the update.

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