
Cover Crazy #35

Hosted by The Book Worms
I seem to be on a roll with including covers with water in but I am just loving what different effects can be added to the cover by using water and also the colours which are being used in the covers alongside the water. 
I love this cover because :
- It's kind of confusing therefore grabs your attention. Is she looking in the water or is she in the water?
- I am kind of liking and hating the placement of the title ..
- Definitely like the tagline at the top at this cover but it doesn't really hint to what the book is about. 
-Of course I like the reflection! 
- The questions this cover makes you ask yourself :
Is she alive?
Why is she in the water?

Still Waters - Emma Carlson Berne
I thought I might as well carry on with the 'covers which include water'. I don't think you get the full effect of this cover until you see it bigger so go to goodreads and have a look! =)
I love this cover because :
- You know I love black with other colours, I love this black with the blue
- I love how the title has become part of the cover/picture itself
- It's another one of those covers which makes you ask questions
- I love the things around her in the water
I dislike :
Maybe it's different in real life but the authors name is tricky to see properly. 


  1. Both of these covers are sooo gorgeous! Still Waters is on my to-read list already, but I definitely need to take a look at The Unquiet!

    Thanks for sharing,

  2. Pretty^^ I'm loving covers with water on them.

  3. That top one is really weird. I can't work out whether she's hanging upside down above he water or actually in it. Do you see your reflection on the surface when you're under water? I'm going to have to find that one out lol.

  4. Water covers always make me feel a little uncomfortable :P They're both pretty, but the bottom one looks like she's dead O.O

  5. Great covers both are just beautiful! I'm really liken the water theme that seems to be popular right now :)

  6. I think the Unquiet cover is one of my favourite covers of the year. I saw it and actually went 'wow!' in my head.

    The other one looks dull by comparison, but I've seen a lot that resemble it lately anyway.

  7. I like THE UNQUIET buuuuuuut I'm officially annoyed that the water stuff is becoming overdone now. Is everyone gravitating this way b/c IMAGINARY GIRLS and MARA DYER are so stunning? Let them be unique!


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