
First lines (#6) - Stay With Me

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Stay with Me

First few lines of :
Fifteen-year-olds Cece and Mack didn't expect to fall in love. She's a sensitive A student; he's a high school dropout. But soon they're spending every moment together, bonding over a rescued dog, telling their secrets, making plans for the future. Everything is perfect. Until. Until. Mack makes a horrible mistake, and in just a few minutes, the future they'd planned becomes impossible.

First Page
"Bad news," Vics says.
"There's another kind?"
"I lost the restaurant."
"Another tough night at the online poker table?"
"Catastrophic." The old man saddles a flipped milk crate and clobbers garlic cloves with his hands. Says it makes him feel one with earth., expect there's not a lot of earth here in the city. Baked concrete, we got that. 

My Thoughts
I am on page 40 as I type this and have to say, 10 pages in, I thought I wasn't going to like this but after the first chapter I felt the writing really started to flow better and now I am really wanting to read more! 

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1 comment:

  1. I think it sounds quite promising - can't wait to hear how you liked it :) I love the cover, by the way!


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