
Paperback or Hardback? (#29)

Daughter of Smoke & Bone - Laini Taylor
Daughter of Smoke and BoneDaughter of Smoke and Bone>> Hardback <3
Paperback >>
I don't really love either of these enough to want to pick the book up from the cover alone and if I am being honest I have ever really been 'attrached' to this book.
But if I was able to have the book in one of these covers I would definitely choose the HB. I love how pretty it is! I love the blue,black and white together =)
I think the PB looks so .. fake =( 

Under the Never SkyUnder the Never Sky<< Hardback <3
Paperback >>-
Ok, what is the PB about? Although I love the colours (pinks!) I really hate how she is really white and he is a weird brown, I have no idea if it's to do with the story but I still hate it! Also they seem more like dolls than actual people and I don't really like this.
The HB is better, I think it would definitely stand out with it's striking colours and the intriguing 'scene'.

Switched - Amanda Hocking

The Name of the Star (Shades of London)The Name of the Star (Shades of London, #1)<< Hardback 
Paperback </3 >>
I think the sort of genres I like play a lot with whether I like a cover or not. Well both these cover hint towards the fact this is a historical book, which I don't like. Therefore I think this is why I dislike both covers.
I have to be honest and say I don't think HB covers works very well with the man faded over the girl so therefore I like the PB cover more.

Please note, some covers l feature are also in other formats. For example a HB cover is usually also in PB and a PB cover is also sometimes on a HB etc.
Also sometimes the PB may be a UK one and the HB may be USA.
It's just a way to compare covers.
</3 - Meh
<3 - Like
<33 Love


  1. For the Daughter of Smoke and Bone - it's no contest for me. DEFINITELY the first one, the one with the mask. I think it's beautiful while the other looks a little childish.

    I don't really like either of the second covers, but the hardback is the lesser of two evils :)

  2. I don't really like either of the covers for Daughter of Smoke and Bone, but I love both the covers of The Name of the Star (which I'm actually reading at the moment).

  3. Hardback for the first, hardback for the second and paperback for the last!

  4. I don't love any of the covers for Daughter of Smoke and Bone, but my favorite is probably this one.

    Under the Never Sky--DEFINITELY HB. The PB creeps me out for some reason. I think maybe you're right and it's because they look like dolls. Their floating position is weird, too.

    I don't love either cover for The Name of the Star.

  5. I like all hardback covers. :)


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