
Upcoming Releases - UK Publishers (#6)

Every Friday/Saturday I will be highlighting different books which are being released that month by all the different UK publishers. Hope you enjoy! 

March Releases

Apologises if I miss some books
My Thoughts
Headline -  I am so excited to read The Last Echo. I am currently reading Desires of The Dead so I can then read The Last Echo =)
Walker - I haven't heard of this series before but it does sound pretty good!
HarperCollins - As always Harpercollins have a lot of awesome books coming out this month. The ones I have read so far have all been awesome so make sure you check them out yourselves. 

Coming up next week will be April releases! 


  1. I've just started The Last Echo, it's so good so far. The Summer of Living Dangerously looks awesome!

  2. Harper Collins are publishing some amazing books at the moment. I read and loved Partials and Slide, and I'm dying to get hold of a copy of Fateful.


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