
*Review* : Slide - Jill Hathaway

Slide - Jill Hathaway
Series : No
Released : 1st March 2012
Publisher: Harper Collins
Format : Paperback
Source : Publisher
Buy : Amazon (UK/USA)|Book Depository
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
Vee Bell is certain of one irrefutable truth—her sister’s friend Sophie didn’t kill herself. She was murdered.
Vee knows this because she was there. Everyone believes Vee is narcoleptic, but she doesn’t actually fall asleep during these episodes: When she passes out, she slides into somebody else’s mind and experiences the world through that person’s eyes. She’s slid into her sister as she cheated on a math test, into a teacher sneaking a drink before class. She learned the worst about a supposed “friend” when she slid into her during a school dance. But nothing could have prepared Vee for what happens one October night when she slides into the mind of someone holding a bloody knife, standing over Sophie’s slashed body.
Vee desperately wishes she could share her secret, but who would believe her? It sounds so crazy that she can’t bring herself to tell her best friend, Rollins, let alone the police. Even if she could confide in Rollins, he has been acting off lately, more distant, especially now that she’s been spending more time with Zane.

.................................... My Thoughs  ....................................
In Short
- Jill's writing straight away grabs your attention
- I was able to connect with the main character and feel sympathetic to her
- All the characters were well developed and played their own part in the story
- Slide kept me gripped all the way through

In Long
I can’t express how excited I was when I got Slide! You know when you read a books blurb and you know it’s a book you are really going to enjoy? Slide was one of those books and it didn’t disappoint! Before I start my actual review though I do want to say that I read this book while on the plane and by the pool so at times I was quite distracted!
Slide is actually quite hard to write a review on because I did really love it but when it comes to explaining why I love it and telling you all the amazing things about this book I can’t or I may ruin something for you! I will give it my best shot!

First off, Jill’s writing straight away grabs you from the first page. She throws you into a whirlwind of lots of different emotions that all the different characters have, luckily it was in a way where you don’t find yourself having too much to take in. The main characters, Vee, has a lot going on in her life and a lot to deal with and I found myself feeling very sympathetic to her and also in awe with how she dealt with it all. I think that’s why I warmed to her very quickly.

The other characters in the book were all very well developed which was really refreshing. You often find in books that have an unsolved mystery that characters are almost just thrown in to keep you guessing who it was. With Slide all the characters had their own reason for being in the book and each added something to the storyline. I loved how Jill let me have my own thoughts about each of the characters but as things were revealed I found myself changing my opinion on them.

Slide really kept me gripped throughout the whole book, I didn’t know what was going to happen and didn’t see any of it coming until it happened! I have to admit I am really bad at seeing things before they happen but I am glad as I really loved Slide for the big twists.

When I read Slide I didn’t know that Jill was a debut author and now I find myself really excited to know this. If her first book is this good, how good will her second be?

Final Thoughts
Slide is a great book which will keep you both gripped and guessing what will happen next. Jill is a great author who has a lot of potential! 


  1. I loved this one too! So much fun!

  2. I really have to get around to reading this one soon as it sounds absolutely fabulous - your review just made that feeling even worse! :D I'm glad you enjoyed it!



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