
Upcoming Releases - UK Publishers (#4)

This is a new post which I am very excited to be doing. 
Every Friday I will be highlighting different books which are being released that month by all the different UK publishers. Hope you enjoy! 

March Releases
Little Brown

Pirate Love Reborn Invincible Elijah Damien Soulless
Sorry I was unable to get the proper cover for Elijah and Invincible 

They have lots of children books being released this month!
Click here for a list of them!

My Thoughts
Hodder - I was unable to find any released this month by them.
Little Brown - A great publisher! Quite a few I would love to read. 
Random House - Another great publisher! SO SO want to find the time to read Wonder
Usbourne - They have such lovely young children books =)

Coming up next week! 

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