
Cover Crazy #59

Hosted by The Book Worms
Counting Backwards - Laura Lascarso 
This cover isn't usually the sort of cover I go for as I usually like pretty covers but this one is great!
I love this cover because :
- How can you not be drawn in by this one!
- I love how it goes so well with the title and portrays what the book could be about but doesn't tell you too much.
- Simple but so so unique
Dislike :
- It may sound horrible but I just don't get why the girl is so 'plain' 
- It's quite hard to see the authors name due to the colour
- I would love to see what this looks like with more colour. Not sure if it would make it better or take the effect away. 

My Life in Black and WhiteMy Life in Black & White - Natasha Friend
I just don't know about this cover! At first glance I really like this but the more I look the less I like it, it's just so strange. If the cover actually has a meaning behind it then it makes more sense. 
I love this cover because :
- It does stand out, the random triangles kind of make me intrigued
- I like how the title goes with the triangles. It must mean something?
- This does make me want to read the blurb. Even if just to find out what the cover is about!
Dislike :
- The more I look at this I wonder 'What The Hell?'
- Really not liking how the font is just planted in the middle of the cover :/
- Can't see the authors name that well. 


  1. arrrrr just seen your ps but you deserve it anyways. Congratulations! You have won the Versatile Blogger award :) Stop by my blog to collect.

  2. The cover for Counting Backwards is creepy!

  3. I like the second cover more as the first is downright creepy! But then yeah, I don't like the pick colored font on it. Loving the triangles though!

    Here's my Cover Crazy!

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile


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