
Cover Crazy #60

Hosted by The Book Worms
Disharmony : The Telling - Leah Giarratano
This is one of those covers which is just so mysterious that I love it!
I love this cover because :
- Love the effect of the black and blonde'y colour
- How you can't see the girls face, so mysterious and it makes me wonder who it is and want to know more about them. 
- Love how simple it is but how much it stands out
- The effect of the title, it makes my eyes feel a bit weird though
- Really like how her hair is blowing backwards
Dislike :
- There isn't really anything I can say I dislike as it's such a simple cover which not much to it. I am sure it could be improved on though, just don't know what I would add to it. 

1 comment:

  1. The blonde hair against the dark background is awesome!


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