
This or That with Hanna

Please welcome Hanna from Booking In Heels to Books for Company!
Thank you Hanna for joining us!

Hey everyone, I'm Hanna from Booking In Heels. I set up my blog in May-ish and since then I've read a lot of books, bought a lot more and got rid of, well, not a lot. I chose that name because some uneducated dolt informed me of his theory that all women are either the 'bookish type' or the 'heels type' and I wanted to prove that it's perfectly acceptable to do both. Still, I hadn't expected to get so sucked in to blogging - I love the friends I've made and the new books I've discovered. I'd love it if you could stop by and say hello - you can never have too many book blogger friends!

Books - Genres : What genre would you choose?

Horror or Action? Horror

Paranormal or Fantasy? Fantasy

Contemporary or Dystopia? Dystopia

Fiction or Non Fiction? Fiction

Chick Lit or Romance? Chick lit

Science or Thrillers? Science

Boat or Airplane? Boat

Hot or Cold? Hot

Tall or Short?

Music or TV?

Inside or Outside? Inside

See or Hear?

My Thoughts (Jodie) Hanna : Thanks again for joining us. I love your blog header, you so shouldn't have to choose! ;)

Do you want to take part in This or That? Please email me at booksforcompany@gmail.com


Thank you for stopping by and taking time to write a little comment!

A book blog featuring Romance, Dark Romance and New Adult