
Cover Crazy #42

Hosted by The Book Worms
Fallen In Love - Lauren Kate
When I saw this cover I could straight away tell that this was a Lauren Kate book, not decided whether that's a good or bad thing! I have really mixed feelings about this one.
I love this cover because :
- I like how this cover is dark, hinting towards the bad things which sound like they will happen!
- Love the font and that it's the same as the other covers
- That it tells you it's part of a series
- Love how the girl in the cover seems to be the same in all covers and that she's always wearing a black dress
Dislike :
- Not sure whether I like the authors name in pink?
- Let's be honest, it's not as unique as Rapture cover
- It feels a bit crowded, lots of writing
Rapture - Lauren Kate
When Lauren, from Random House emailed the two covers I straight replied that I like this one more, and I do. I love it!
I love this cover because :
Really makes me intrigued for a number of reasons :
- She's wearing white  instead of black
- The sky isn't as black
- She doesn't seem as sad as in other covers?
It makes me wonder even more what will happen in Rapture, maybe Rapture will bring happiness for the characters?
- I feel like this one is more unique from the others
- It will definitely stand out more from the other covers
- Love the scene, the best scene out of the 5 covers
- This cover isn't as crowded as Fallen In Love


  1. Hmmm...as a member of Deviantart from years, i have seen photomanipulations better than thos but still they are really good. I like both of them. The first one more because i think it matches with the rest books more.

  2. I may not like this series but I have to admit that the covers are gorgeous. I love them, they're so pretty. Rapture is my favourite of the set, too :)

  3. Rapture is so pretty, I like it best outta the series also. (:

  4. I love the cover for Raputure. I should start reading Torment...


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