
*Review* : Forget You - Jennifer Echols

Forget YouForget You - Jennifer Echols
Series :  No
Released : 20th July 2010
Publisher: MTV
Format : Paperback
Source : Gift from Donna
Buy : Amazon (UK/USA)|Book Depository
Overall rating

Why can't you choose what you forget . . . and what you remember?
There’s a lot Zoey would like to forget. Like how her father has knocked up his twenty-four- year old girlfriend. Like Zoey’s fear that the whole town will find out about her mom’s nervous breakdown. Like darkly handsome bad boy Doug taunting her at school. Feeling like her life is about to become a complete mess, Zoey fights back the only way she knows how, using her famous attention to detail to make sure she’s the perfect daughter, the perfect student, and the perfect girlfriend to ultra-popular football player Brandon. 

Forget You is a book that I constantly had mixed feelings about all the way through and by the time I had put the book down I didn’t know how to feel. When I read the blurb and read that it was about a girl who forgets what happens I was really excited to read Forget You, I couldn't wait to see how it was planned out but sadly this was what let the book down for me, it just wasn’t gripping enough and this sort of book should be one I find hard to put down. Instead I found it was a book about strange relationships which didn't make not much sense to me and seemed to have not be that serious.

This book wasn’t very ‘straight to the point’ there is a lot of what I would call ... rambling. For example when Zoey found something out I felt it wasn’t focused enough on that but instead was Zoey's random thoughts mixed in too much, it kind of became confusing. Even worse the rambling felt more like it was coming from Jennifer, the author, more than the character Zoey. This made it hard for me to see Zoey as a real character.

In the nicest way possible, Zoey is too stupid to be true in some places. I felt like after the first few chapters I knew her but then by half way through the book it felt like there were two Zoey’s in this book. One was stupid and believed sleeping with someone once means your going out and will be together forever and the other is a smart girl using her brain to know what to say to who about her memory. The other characters frustrated me a little less and I actually liked Doug and often felt sorry for him.

From the actual storyline point of view in some places I found myself really enjoying the book and in the other places I found myself thinking “WHY!”. It was really frustrating as I could see so much of a better direction the book could have gone. Saying that I can see Jennifer is a great writer who has real potential to create a story that mixes romance, friends and a plot.

Overall Forget You is a good read which is worth a read but I just recommend not to read this expecting to be totally engrossed and enthralled by this book. I felt the potential of the story which Jennifer had created didn’t reach the intriguing ‘state’ it could have, I wasn’t ever unable to put the book down or desperate to find out what happened that night although I was always a little intrigued I didn’t feel it was a big mystery.

Ratings :
Plot : 3.5/5
Cover : 4/5
Page Turner : 3.5/5
Characters : 4/5
Ending : 4/5

1 comment:

  1. It was an awesome story which I have ever read .After her mother and father's divorce, Zoey is determined to live the perfect life, everything and everyone in it's place. However, when her mother attempts suicide Zoey's world is thrown out of whack. I enjoyed the book very much.


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