
Cover Crazy #29

Hosted by The Book Worms
I love this cover for a few reasons.
It seems to mean something more than what first meets the eye. When I looked closer I noticed how it looks like it's two different peoples hands and therefore seems to hint towards some sort of relationship between the characters in the book and I get a feel the relationships are important. 
I am a sucker for girly things such as sparkles but I also really like covers with butterflies on and this is no expection. I love it! It's so bright and pretty =)
I love the little 'tagline?' at the top, I feel it actually suits this cover really well .
The font and colour suits the cover. 


  1. I have a butterfly thing going too and always want to read the book if I see a cover like this. Pretty for sure!

  2. Aww this is cute! The font, the butterfly, the sparkles, very pretty :)

  3. Very pretty! I love butterflies! Except the ones on a freaky episode of Fringe that I watched the other day but that's another story. LOL Great pick! :)

    My Cover Crazy

  4. That is such a gorgeous cover! I love the colours and the tagline. You find some of the prettiest covers to share with us :)

  5. I've seen this several times, but never realized it was the hands of two people! I love the butterfly. That cover made me pick it up and check out the summary!

  6. Love this cover! So great and a nice change from all 'girl in a pretty dress' covers.
    Thanks for sharing :)

  7. Wow, so pretty and eye catching! Great pick!

  8. I didn't even see that it was two hands at first. Very cool cover!

    Reading Lark's Cover Crazy


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