
Cover Crazy #21

Other Cover Crazy posts - #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20
Hosted by thebookworms

Reasons l love it :
How her dress blends in so well
The atmosphere the book gives off
The mist
The bird looking at her, makes you wonder who she is
That you can't see her face

Not sure about :
The font, font size and font colour


  1. I love this cover! This is the first time I've seen this book but I'm defnitely intrigued, going to go find it on Goodreads...

    ComaCalm's Corner

  2. I’ve seen so many good ‘Cover Crazy’ posts today, what a great week. I like this cover too. The girl’s dress is really pretty, and I agree that the single crow looking at her is kind of mystifying. I do like the title font, and the way that it starts out sold, and fades; like the mist. Nice cover, thank you for sharing! (my CC).

    the Novel Nook

  3. That is one pretty cover. I love the colours and how the brightest bit is in the middle - it's really effective and eye-catching. I'll have to keep an eye out for this!

  4. Beautiful cover that does have a very mysterious feel. It has piqued my interest and I want to know more about this story. Great choice.

  5. I like how her dress has similarities to the flowers/leaves on the ground in front of her. Her outfit looks like an extension of the earth.

    My Cover Crazy

  6. I haven't seen this cover before! It looks GOOD! I love the way her dress looks like something out of nature and fades into the world around. And yes, that bird looking at her, wow!

  7. I love that cover! It is so pretty. I want to read that book now and I don't even know what it's about.

  8. Nice pick! I actually like the title font and placement, but I'm not so sure about the author font. It's a little too big, I think. Love the dress and mist though.


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