
*Review* : Stay - Deb Caletti

Book review of Stay by Deb Caletti 
StayReleased : 5th April 2011
Finished : 30th March 2011
Source :  S&S Galley Grab
Plot : 4.4/5
Cover : 4/5
age Turner : 5/5
Characters : 5/5
Ending : 5/5
Overall Rating :

 Clara’s relationship with Christian is intense from the start, and like nothing she’s ever experienced before. But what starts as devotion quickly becomes obsession, and it’s almost too late before Clara realizes how far gone Christian is—and what he’s willing to do to make her stay.
Now Clara has left the city—and Christian—behind. No one back home has any idea where she is, but she still struggles to shake off her fear. She knows Christian won’t let her go that easily, and that no matter how far she runs, it may not be far enough....
When l started to read Stay it was clear it would overwrite my expectations by far and that it was going to be a great read. I loved how it was written and not just because it was in first person, which l usually like as l connect better with the characters, but because of how it was written. Deb just has a great way with words and getting emotions across.
Because of how all the people in this story are seen from Clara’s point of view you are kind of pulled into feeling the emotions for them that she feels but at the same time you are given the chance to make up your own mind about them. I felt all kind of emotions for the characters in this story, even for Christian. Stay is definitely one of those books that makes you sees things in different ways and even makes you feel kind of sorry for characters you maybe shouldn’t feel sorry for.
Clara is the main character in this story and is written from her POV with Clara explaining about why she is where she is now. What l loved about this book was how it goes back and forth in time. I tend to find these are the sorts of books which are so intense; Stay is one of those books where you don’t get a chance to breathe because of how intense it is. Especially when it changes from the current time to a few months back, leaving the current time in a cliff-hanger and by the time you leave the past, you are left with another cliff-hanger.
Overall – l would really recommend this book! Stay is such a powerful book which stays with you even after you have finished reading it. Deb writes in a beautiful way which keeps you engrossed all the way through, you will find this one hard to put down!

2011 Books Challenges 


  1. I love Deb Caletti. She's such an amazing and realistic writer. I love your reviews and cannot wait for this book to come out!

  2. Great review! I'm getting this one in the mail soon and I can't wait to read it. I LOVE the cover.

  3. I've not read anything by Deb Caletti but I'll certainly look out for her in the future - sounds good!

  4. I've never read anything by Deb Caletti before but I have this one on my way from the book depo :) great review! So glad you enjoyed it.

  5. Shaylene - This is the first book l have read by her but l plan to read more. l agree! The exact word, realistic! =)

    Danna - Hope you enjoy it =)

    Suzie - You really should! =)

    Jess - YAY! Enjoy it =)


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