
*Review* : The Discovery of Socket Greeny - Tony Bertauski

Book review of The Discovery of Socket Greeny by Tony Bertauski

Series - #1 : Socket Greeny
Released : 13th July 2010
Publisher: Self Published
Format : E Book
Source :  Author
Finished : 20th April 2011
Overall rating -

Socket Greeny discovers why his mom's work is so important and soon finds himself in the center of controversy and betrayal when he's anointed the agency's prodigy. He didn't ask for the "blessing" of psychic powers and the ability to timeslice. But if he doesn't embrace his true nature, life as we know it will change forever.
Another in depth blurb is available here
The Discovery of Socket Greeny is something totally different from what l would usually read but l am very glad l did read this book, it offers some refreshing ideas with interesting relationships to back up a great storyline.
The thing which made this book for me was the characters. Socket is a very strange name but once you see pass that he is a character with so much depth and very likeable. The more l read this book the more l started to really warm to him, he is so caring and l love his actions and feelings about the characters around him. The relationship that Socket has with his mum is one which is very complex and interesting to read about and definitely made him show more of his character to the readers.
My main reason for giving it a lower rating and not 4.5 like l would have liked to is because l actually found myself not understanding quite a lot of it. I felt some words were used without being explained or without being reminded what they meant and therefore l lost the concept of what was going on which can happen easily when so much is going on. Also with such advanced technology l felt more things needed to be explained in more depth. Apart from not understanding what was going on or how something had happened, l did really enjoy this. 
Overall this is a refreshing read with a storyline that is very fast paced and includes a lot of very advanced technology which l enjoyed reading about.

Ratings :
Plot : 4/5
Cover : 3/5
Page Turner : 3.5/5
Characters : 4/5
Ending : 4/5
Part of a series -
#1 - The Discovery of Socket Greeny
# 2 - The Training Of Socket Greeny
#3 - The Legend Of Socket Greeny

2011 Books Challenges 
Buy your copy
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You can buy the whole series (3 books) for $6 on Smashwords!


  1. Fantastic Review!(:
    My friend was reading this a little while back, but he never finished:/

  2. Socket Greeny is a very strange name lol. The characters sound good though. I don't like though when you lose the storyline because of not understanding certain words or as in this book, the technology. I think I might possibly have given up on it. It sounds more the sort of thing a boy would enjoy. They tend to understand the techy side of stuff don't they lol.

  3. Lisa - Shame they couldn't finish it, l did enjoy it =)

    Karen - Lol it is! But l think he is a great character =) Haha it reminded me a bit of 'Insight' because of the different 'worlds' and levels.


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