
*Review* : Fated by Sarah Alderson

Fated    Fated - Sarah Alderson
Series : #1 Fated
Released : 5th January 2012
Publisher :  Simon and Schuster
Format : Paperback
Source : Publisher
Buy : Amazon (UK/USA)|Book Depository
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
What happens when you discover you aren't who you thought you were? And that the person you love is the person who will betray you? If your fate is already determined, can you fight it?
When Evie Tremain discovers that she’s the last in a long line of Demon slayers and that she’s being hunted by an elite band of assassins –Shapeshifters, Vampires and Mixen demons amongst them – she knows she can’t run. They’ll find her wherever she goes. Instead she must learn to stand and fight.
But when the half-human, half-Shadow Warrior Lucas Gray - is sent to spy on Evie and then ordered to kill her before she can fulfil a dangerous prophecy, their fates become inextricably linked. The war that has raged for one thousand years between humans and demons is about to reach a devastating and inevitable conclusion. Either one or both of them will die before this war ends.
If your life becomes bound to another’s, what will it take to sever it?

 .................................... My Thoughs  ....................................
In Short 
- A unique paranormal book 
- Sarah was able to make her own little ‘mark’ on the paranormal genre 
- Lots of great twists which will keep you gripped
-   Sarah is a very talented author who’s writing flows really well.

In Long
I will admit that I wasn’t really that excited about Fated, I was worrying that I wouldn’t be able to get into it due to not being able to get into paranormal books as easily lately. I was wrong!
Sarah is such a great writer, she has that natural talent which makes the writing so effortless and flow really well. This meant that I quickly connected with all of the characters she introduced into the book, whether that meant me liking or hating them. The main character, Evie, was one that I started off having mixed feelings for, no sure whether I liked her or not but gradually I liked her more and more. Lucas, another main character, was like a mystery to me and I always love that! Especially with males when they give off an unknown vibe.
The storyline was one which Sarah made her own. By that I mean it was a unique storyline which Sarah really made stand out amongst the other paranormal books I have read. I really loved getting to know about the place which Evie lives in and the world around her. I loved it even more that she was discovering things at the same time as I was; it was like going on a journey with her. There were so many twists in this book, one or two which I could see coming but the others seemed to come from nowhere and really kept me gripped. 

Final Thoughts
Sarah has really created a unique paranormal book which will most definitely stand out from your normal paranormal books. The storyline will keep you gripped throughout with a few surprises throughout. I will definitely be looking out for more books by Sarah.


  1. I must read this! It looks amazing! I'm reading Hunting Lila when I'm finished the book I'm reading now, so I will see whether I like that, then maybe try this!

    P.S. I just wanted to say, I love your blog so much! You reviews are so unique and I love the way you write them, and really like all the memes you do, especially Cover Crazy. It's a great idea the way you do the good and bad points of the cover!

  2. Wow, Cliona! That made my day! THANK YOU


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