
Paperback or Hardback? (#35)

Paperback  >>
I am not really loving either of these covers but I do like different things about each of them. HB is very simple but I still like it. The PB isn't really unique but I really like the font of the title and author and how it's on the girls neck. HB wins though just because it's different and unique.

 << Hardback </3
Paperback  >>-
This one is pretty easy for me. The PB looks a lot less professional than the HB and really has nothing to offer. The HB is so much more unique and definitely stands out much more. It also looks more professional and like more thought has gone into it. It also suits the title 'exposed'. 

Ten Miles Past Normal  Ten Miles Past Normal   Ten Miles Past Normal - Frances
<< Hardback </3
Paperback </3 >>
I can't choose between these two covers! I like and dislike things about both of them. I like how the HB looks more of a natural pose than the PB but I dislike how the title is all over the place in the HB one.  I really like the font in the PB one whereas in the HB I like the font used for the authors name!
Please note, some covers l feature are also in other formats. For example a HB cover is usually also in PB and a PB cover is also sometimes on a HB etc.
Also sometimes the PB may be a UK one and the HB may be USA.
It's just a way to compare covers.
</3 - Meh
<3 - Like
<33 Love


  1. I like the Choker hardback better. Can't decide on Exposed, but I definitely like the paperback of Ten Miles Past Normal better.

  2. Harback for everything!! Though all of them are nice.

  3. paperback in the first and hardback for the second two. I prefer paperbacks in general though, hardbacks are so heavy.

    Lainy http://www.alwaysreading.net


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