
*Review* : Six Moon Summer - S.M. Reine

Six Moon Summer (Seasons of the Moon, #1)Six Moon Summer - S.M Reine
Released : 29th April 2011
Publisher: Self Published
Format : Kindle
Source : Author
Buy : Amazon (UK/USA)|Book Depository
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
Rylie's been bitten.
She's changing.
And now she has three months to find a cure before becoming a werewolf... forever.
Rylie Gresham hates everything about summer camp: the food, the fresh air, the dumb activities, and the other girls in her cabin. But the worst part is probably being bitten by a werewolf. Being a teenager is hard enough, but now she's craving raw flesh and struggles with uncontrollable anger. If she doesn't figure out a way to stop the transformation, then at the end of summer, her life is worse than over. She'll be a monster.

 .................................... My Review  ....................................
In Short
- I liked the main character Riley
- I felt the other characters lacked depth 
- I really enjoyed the environment that this book was set in
- The romance in this book didn't 'do it for me'

In Long
Six Moon Summer was one of those werewolf books that I felt would fall into a category of another werewolf book with the sameish werewolf storyline. Although it was kind of the same sort of storyline I actually found Six Moon Summer rather different and unique from the other werewolf books I have read due to a few things.

I think the main character, Riley made the biggest difference in the storyline. She was by far the most developed character and made up for the other characters in this book which i felt I never got to know properly. To begin with I wasn’t able to connect with Riley but gradually I got to know her better and started to like her which then lead to me feeling some kind of empathy for. Because of this I felt I was able to understand her better as well as her actions. The main male in this story, sadly for me, didn’t seem to have much depth and I didn’t really gain any connect with him. Saying that I never disliked him, I just never got to know him as much as I would have liked. The main relationship itself (I felt) lacked depth in some places. I found that the main male character was saying things like (Not exact word for word) “That’s so like you”, I felt this was something unnecessary for people who have know each other for not even a month and made the relationship feel rushed.

I enjoyed the environment of the story, I felt this was very different and definitely challenged the characters, mainly Riley, at different times throughout the book. The environment made for interesting relationships and I liked seeing them develop in different ways including both positively and negatively.

The writing itself was a good standard although I struggled in places to become engrossed in the story due to feeling it was a bit slow. I found that the book tended to flow better when it was just Riley by herself. This is because the writing seemed to lack relationship depth and the sentences got simpler therefore making everything flow a lot less when it was two people together. By simpler I mean there was no descriptions with the sentences, it was very to the point with lots of short sentences whereas I would have liked more detail on the characters interactions. I know some people really like the simple and short sentences but I always become picky about it!

Final Thoughts
Six Moon Summer is a good werewolf book which you should definitely give a go. I can only see S.M's writing getting better and better and the characters becoming more developed. I look forward to reading All Hallows Moons

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