
First lines (#8) - Speak

Please check out the Guest Post/Interview I did at Chocolate Chunky Munkie. It's here!

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First few lines of :
From her first moment at Merryweather High, Melinda Sordino knows she's an outcast. She busted an end-of-summer party by calling the cops - a major infraction in high-school society - so her old friends won't talk to her, and people she doesn't know glare at her. No one knows why she called the police, and she can't get out the words to explain.

First Page
Welcome to Merryweather high.
It is my first morning back of high school. I have seven new notebooks, a skirt I hate and a stomach ache.
The school bus wheezes to my corner. The door opens and I step up. I am the first pick-up of the dat. The driver pulls away from the kerb while I stand in the aisle. Where to sit?

My Thoughts
I was so glad when I got this one for a swap. It was released in 2008 so quite an old book so I haven't seen many reviews on it. I think it sounds awesome though.

What do you think of these 'First Lines?'
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Does it make you want to read Speak?


  1. Forgot to add I'm a new follower :)

  2. This is another I have on my shelf too. One day we'll both get to read it :)

  3. Such a touching book, but it wasn't as emotionally charged as I was expecting. Still, really, really good :D


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