
Cover Crazy #41

Hosted by The Book Worms
Hemlock - Kathleen Peacock
I really like this cover but I have to admit, the more I look at it the more I dislike how photoshopped everything is. 
I love this cover because :
- The mystery feel of the cover
- You can straight away tell it's a paranormal book
- The quote at the bottom by Kimberly Derting
- The colour of her dress is so pretty! My favourite colour
- I like how the flower stems wrap around the title
Dislike :
- I don't really think the colour of the flowers go with her dress.
- I like but also hate the effect that the flowers and the stem has on the cover. 

- It's not that unique

Heaven - Christoph Marzi
Wow! This is a cover which totally made me stop and think exactly that - 'WOW'. I know for a fact I would pick this up in a book store! 
I love this cover because :
- It's so so unique
- I love how her emotions are so clear yet you can't even see her face
- It has been kept so simple yet little things really make this cover
- I like how there is like white dust around her
- Love the tagline!!
- How the red of the heart is the main colour and therefore the main focus along with the girl
Dislike :


  1. I pretty much agree with everything you said about HEMLOCK! I really like the cover for HEAVEN; I'm going to go read more about this book now. I know I haven't heard about it before!

  2. I sort of like Hemlock but when I first read the blurb i think I was expecting something more eye catching, more Nightshade-y.
    I love the simplicity of Heaven too. You get such emotion from that little picture :)

  3. Hemlock looks beautiful! It is a goregous cover - and I love the purple dress as well.

  4. Ooh I love both of these! Heaven is really unique, it's awesome! Hemlock is very pretty too.

  5. I like the cover of Hemlock a lot (pretty dress, swirls, it's a win with me every time!), but it's very different from what I was expecting. I'm not sure what it was I was expecting exactly, but the blurb didn't seem like a pretty dress kinda book. This is the one that's about a werewolf virus, right? Yeah, that doesn't really scream "Pretty dress!" to me. :P

    I agree too, it does look too photochopped.

  6. The cover for Heaven just kills me! It is so beautiful.
    Here is my CC:
    Happy Reading :D

  7. Heaven is a gorgeous cover. I should feature it next week as favourite cover of the week. WOW!


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