
Cover Crazy #39

Hosted by The Book Worms
Fractured - Joanna Karaplis
I really like how simple this cover is and the overall feeling it gives off. It definitely hints towards heartbreak of some sort.
I love this cover because :
- Really liking the font of the title and how it stands out
- The butterfly really adds to this cover - Love butterflies!
- How it's like she is looking through some broken glass which goes with the title (Fractured)
- How she is looking down but you can still clearly see her emotion
Dislike :
- It doesn't really tell you a lot about the book.
- The authors name is way too small, it's as important as the title if not more.

Lure - Stephanie Jenkins
Wow! When I saw this cover I had mixed feeling and I still really do. I like it overall but I few things I dislike.
I love this cover because :
- Love how she's wearing black and kind of becomes a bird herself
- Loving the splashed of water - Makes me intrigued as to what the story is about.
-It's unique!
Dislike :
- Don't really like the placement or font of the title. Would suit being down near the water and blended in.
- Not really like the effect of the sky, feels fake
- The authors name is in quite boring font
- Although I like the water it doesn't quite blend with the rest of the cover.


  1. I love the covers, they are so pretty. Her's mine:

  2. Oooooh, fractured is absolutely beautiful! Great choice~

    Here's mine: http://onlysomewhatqueer.blogspot.com/2011/10/cover-crazy-oct-24-light-edition.html

  3. Great picks this week! I love, love those covers :)

    Cover Crazy at Book Addict

  4. Love the cover of Fractured. Pretty, pretty!

  5. I love the covers you picked!!

  6. Both covers are photographic, I think each one would work better as illustrative. Of the two I think I like the first one the best. I wonder what the blue butterflies significance is. My cover crazy this week also has a blue butterfly. Strange, huh?

  7. Lure is gorgeous! It definitely makes me want to check the book out.

    I agree about the author's name for Fractured--it should be the same size, because it's just as important as the book title.

  8. Gorgeous covers! Thank you for sharing. I especially like the one for "Fractured". :)


  9. I like the Fractured cover the most. Especially because of the little butterfly at the edge of the book. It's super pretty and really snags my attention.

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)


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