
Discussion Round Up - Our Thoughts on Giveaways

So sorry this has taken so long to be posted.

To see the four discussion parts see below :

To see Part 1 of this discussion click here
To see part 2 of this discussion click here
To see part 3 of this discussion click here

To see part 4 of this discussion click here

This discussion's main focus was the positives and negatives of giveaways.

I tackled this by asking :
What's the main thing that puts you off giveaways?
What else can put you off giveaways?
Any advice for bloggers out there on how to do giveaways?
What are the positives of giveaways?

Postives :
Lots of people liked the obvious thing about giveaways - Free books!
I was actually quite surprised though that the main thing about giveaways wasn't the free books but things like finding new blogs, new book friends and of course having new followers!

This is advice from me, as a book blogger but also a blogger who has seen giveaways from quite a few point of views.
- Don't make giveaway posts too long - That includes the rules and the explanation. Make it as simple as possible!

- It's fine to make following a rule - It IS fine but do remember it may put some people off entering and also some people WILL stop following or not comment when the giveaway ends.

- Use whatever way you like - Forms, rafflecopter and comments are all ways which you can let people enter your giveaway. You are paying for a book to giveaway. Do it how YOU LIKE! 

-Do make it clear who it's open to - Not only is it annoying when it's in tiny print it's only for US etc but not everyone reads everything in the post so unless you make it clear people WILL enter who aren't within the countries it's open to.

- MAKE THE FOLLOWER BOX EASY TO FIND! - This is a big thing. People don't have time to waste trying to find the follower box!

- People don't like putting their address down- Try to make it a choice and say it may speed things up if you put it in.

- You are doing the giveaway - Do it the easiest and quickest way for you. If people don't like it they don't have to enter!

If you host a giveaway and gain followers make sure you do good quality posts AFTER the giveaway has ended. This will hopefully help you keep the followers and get comments!

Thanks again to all of you who filled the form out.
New form up next on Sunday!

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A book blog featuring Romance, Dark Romance and New Adult