
Cover Crazy by Jennifer Brown + US Giveaway

Please welcome Jennifer Brown!
Jennifer Brown
Author of - 

Ordinarily, I am not a huge choose-a-book-by-the-cover type of gal. A lot of the time, I don’t even notice the cover design of a book. However, I do have some covers that I’m absolutely in love with.
Every You, Every Me
One of them (cover I am in love with) is the cover of my second book, Bitter End. The first time I saw the cover, I was immediately in love. I loved the warm hues, the mysterious, downcast face of the model, the ominous hand creeping around her shoulder, and especially the poem written behind the title.
I also love the cover of David Levithan’s Every You, Every Me. I love the juxtaposition of the title words, and the austere feel of the photograph behind them. The cover tells a story of its own, or at least makes promises of a story. The flipped title, the black and white, the somber expression—all suggest a stark and poignant story that I can’t wait to read.

But the book cover that I’m most in love with at the moment is Kristina Springer’s Just Your Average Princess. Everything, from the buttery yellow of the formal gown with the bit of tulle peeking out below, to the flirty-yet-ornery look on the model’s face, to the big, ugly black boots, to the giant hay bale, to the way she’s straddling the hay bale oh-so-unashamedly is eye-catching. I want to know this story. What’s up with the sprig of flowers and the fancy dress? Who is this girl and how is it that she still screams princess even when she’s, clearly, acting so un-princessy? The cover of this book looks fun and flirty and inviting and it makes me stop and look every time I come across it.
Hosted by The Book Worms
Thank you for joining me Jennifer to help me celebrate my Blogoversary! I really like all the covers you mentioned and can't agree more about the Bitter End cover!
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Win a copy of Bitter End
This is US only - Jennifer is sending this book out!
Ends 1st November
Fill in rafflecopter below

Thanks Jennifer


  1. I enjoyed reading this post. Some good covers and descriptions :D Now off to check out the books on Goodreads.

    Jenny x

  2. Awesome giveaway!!

  3. I like the covers on Bitter End and Just your Average Princess, but I'm not sure I like Every You, Every Me. That cover just wouldn't draw me in.

  4. I love the Just Your Average Princess cover, too! It's so cute and fun and really fits the story well, which I think makes it even better.

  5. The cover of Just Your Average Princess is amazing! I like the contrast between the pretty dress, the hay bail and the rubber boots. Too cute! Happy Blogoversary BTW! :)

    My Cover Crazy

  6. That cover for Just your average princess is so cute and funny!! Love it!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  7. "Just Your Average Princess" caught my eye just a few days ago! I'm personally also very intrigued by the cover of "Water for Elephants." You feel like you're just waiting for something to happen!

  8. I have to say from the first time I saw the cover for "Just Your Average Princess" it has intrigued me. I hope to check it out!

  9. I love the cover to Bitter End. The coloring is just perfect...and that hand...yikes.

  10. I can't wait to read Hate List. Bitter End has been on my wishlist for a while too. I have to say that the cover drew me in as well, but not as much as the summary. For some reason, I enjoy reading those types of books a lot. That doesn't say anything bad about me, right? Haha. Also, the cover for Every You, Every Me is great purely because of the flipped title.

  11. Love the post awesome cover picks

  12. I like how your covers seem to work together--they look really nice together on the shelf! I also loved the cover for Every You, Every Me, and Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, too!

  13. The covers are amazing and Jennifer i love ur cover for bitter end its so catchy and makes me want to find out whats the story about

  14. Great post Jennifer! I actually just bought Bitter End the other day, I fell in love with the cover right away!

  15. The Just Your Average Princess cover is very eye catching(like you said) and unique! I do love the color of her dress!

  16. Ha I love your cover jennifer but the others not so much but you have attracted my eye towards them!

  17. i like the cover as well. I haven't had the opportunity to read Bitter End yet and it time i picked up.


  18. Congrats on your blogerversary! Wishing you many, many more!

    I love the cover for Just Your Average Princess too!

  19. I absolutely love the cover for Every You, Every Me also. & I never really noticed about the hand in the Bitter End cover, but now that I look at it, it really does look ominous & creepy! Gives a whole new feel to the cover for me. Thanks for the giveaway! I've been wanting to read some Jennifer Brown since Hate List came out but never seemed to get around to it. :)

  20. Ooh I can't wait to read a few of these! Thanks for sharing! You chose some great ones!

  21. Thanks for the giveaway. Great books up for grabs.

  22. Thanks so much for the giveaway! :] Gabi

  23. I loved the cover of Maggie Stiefvaters' The Scorpio Races and any of the covers for the books by Beth Revis (I know she only has one out... But they have revealed the pb cover and the second book cover). The other day I added a book to my Goodreads based on the cover around... I think the title was Imaginary Girls.

    Thanks for the giveaway! -lizzieTC

  24. Dear Jennifer Brown,
    I love your book Hate List. I haven't had the chance to read Bitter End but if I win then I will definitely be able to read it then.

    Morgan G.


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