
Cover Crazy #9

No daily dose today, just don't have a lot of free time!
Other Cover Crazy posts - #1  #2  #3  #4 #5 #6 7(?) #8
The Mephisto Covenant - Trinity Faegen
I seen this when it was tweeted and l love it!
I love the scene, it looks dark and creepy which then makes you want to know what it has to do with the book and where she is! I love it when covers make you want to know more about the book.
I also like the sparkly bits in the sky in this pictures, l love prettiness!
This is just such a pretty cover and l love the font too, goes well with the theme of the cover and is actually in a good place! The same goes for the quotes at the top, l don't always like them when they are in silly places but everything in this cover is just right!
Hosted by thebookworms
Review coming later of Insight - Jamie Magee


  1. This cover looks gorgeous !! I love the dress the girl is wearing. I'm going to check out this book on Goodreads !! ;)

  2. It looks lovely! I love the sort of sparkly look in the background all mystical like.

    Great find

  3. I just posted a comment on this at The Book Worms. I love the dress and the mystical feel you get watching her run over the fairytale bridge toward the forest. I also like the cursive font; well used. It looks lovely! I've never heard of this book before and need to find out more!

  4. YES! So beautiful :) I think that girl's dress is so pretty!

  5. Finally, a cover for this book! I like this cover a lot. I don't think a book can go wrong with a beautiful dress on the cover. Is it the same girl on the UK cover of Unearthly?

  6. That's a pretty cover. I love her dress :D


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