
*Review* : Swim The Fly by Don Calame

Swim the FlySwim The Fly - Don Calame
Series : #1 Swim The Fly
Released : 1st June 2011
Publisher: Templar
Format : Paperback
Source : Publisher
Buy : Amazon (UK/USA)|Book Depository
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
Three adolescent boys with a single goal: see a real-live naked girl. The result? Razor-sharp, rapid-fire, and raunchy, of course. And beyond hilarious.
Fifteen-year-old Matt Gratton and his two best friends, Coop and Sean, always set themselves a summertime goal. This year's? To see a real-live naked girl for the first time — quite a challenge, given that none of the guys has the nerve to even ask a girl out on a date. But catching a girl in the buff starts to look easy compared to Matt's other summertime aspiration: to swim the 100-yard butterfly (the hardest stroke known to God or man) as a way to impress Kelly West, the sizzling new star of the swim team. In the spirit of Hollywood’s blockbuster comedies, screenwriter-turned-YA-novelist Don Calame unleashes a true ode to the adolescent male: characters who are side-splittingly funny, sometimes crude, yet always full of heart.

 .................................... My Thoughs  ....................................
In Short
- Swim The Fly will have you laughing out loud
- Don's writing is very quirky 
-The friendship between the 3 lads typical yet unique
- Although the storyline is good the writing really makes Swim The Fly
- Perfect book to read while relaxing

In Long
When I started to read Swim The Fly I was straight away pleased that I had decided to take this one on holiday with me! It was the perfect holiday read while you are sunbathing (I now write this back in England where it’s 4 degrees!). Swim The Fly really has a bit of everything and is definitely the perfect book to read when you find yourself wanting to relax.
The thing I most liked about this book was the writing. Don is the perfect sort of author to write a book like this and this is without doubt why I found the book to be such a success for me (and other people judging from reviews!). Throughout the book his writing was so quirky and had so much personality in it that I found myself laughing out loud throughout the whole book. He has a really good talent for dragging a scene out and instead of it getting boring it got more and more funny.
I think everything I liked about this book was really down to the writing. Even the male friendships in this book were quirky and funny all because of Don’s writing. I loved how Don made the relationship between them both unique while also kind of the typical male friendship. After reading this book I have definitely discovered that I love books written by males and also books with are very focused on male friendships. I loved the interaction between the three friends; it was both hilarious and also almost sweet at times. For me, the friendships along with the writing made this book!
The actual storyline itself was a good one which created many awkward and ‘LOL’ moments but ultimately, for me, the writing made this whole book for me!

Final Thoughts
Swim the Fly isn't usually the sort of book I would read, as it may not be for you, but either way make sure you read this one! Swim the Fly is one of those books which will make many people love it who usually don't read this genre!


  1. This one just hasn't grabbed me at all, although every review I've read have said it's really good. Hmm, maybe one day.

  2. I am a swimmer so even the title of this book caught my eye especially since butterfly is my favorite stroke. This book sounds super interesting and I already think I would enjoy it just because it is partly about swimming! Great review!


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