
*Review* : Stay With Me By Paul Grifftin

Stay with Me  Stay With Me - Paul Griffin
Series : No
Released : 8th September 2011
Publisher : Dial
Format : Hardback
Source : Borrowed
Buy : Amazon (UK/USA)|Book Depository
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
An urban romance that will capture your soul, break your heart, and restore your faith in the human spirit
Fifteen-year-olds Cece and Mack didn't expect to fall in love. She's a sensitive A student; he's a high school dropout. But soon they're spending every moment together, bonding over a rescued dog, telling their secrets, making plans for the future. Everything is perfect. Until. Until. Mack makes a horrible mistake, and in just a few minutes, the future they'd planned becomes impossible. In this stark new reality, both of them must find meaning and hope in the memories of what they had, to survive when the person they love can't stay.

 .................................... My Thoughs  ....................................
In Short 
- Stay With Me has two strong characters that are put in numerous difficult situations. 
- The characters actions are never predictable but are also very real. 
- What brings the characters together also rips them apart – I loved this! 
- Paul took this book in different directions with other authors would never think about, let alone do. 

Stay With Me was a book I wanted to read as soon as I saw the cover. I can’t really tell you why, maybe it’s because I love relationships which are based in the ‘real world’ aka a place where they are actual problems instead of petty little things. Anyway, as soon as I read the blurb I couldn’t wait to read this one. Thanks Lesley (http://mykeepershelf.blogspot.com/) for letting me borrow this one!

When I picked this book up I had made some assumptions and I kind of  got what I was expecting, kind off. The writing was the sort of writing which I can never explain but I am finding this in more and more books and slowly liking the style of writing more. It’s kind of from the point of view from the characters while also being a bit more distant and letting the reader see properly into the characters world. By that I mean both the main characters feelings are always clear, whether it’s because of their actions or feelings but it’s not simple and clear, you have to actually think and judge how the character is feeling, like you need to with a real person. Sometimes I found this sort of writing really suited this book whereas other times I just wanted their feelings laid out ‘on a plate’ for me instead of all the mumble jumble.

Stay With Me then took a big turn which I never saw coming. I never saw it coming because Paul took a risk which a lot of authors don't do. I tend to think that sort of thing would put an ending to the book and if it didn’t then the book would be boring from then on it. Well it wasn’t. Paul did a great job of keeping the relationship between the two main characters both interesting and also intriguing. I never knew what either of the two main characters were going to do or think next.

After about ¾ way through the book I could see what was going to come next, I felt like this was done on purpose by Paul though and I was meant to see it coming. What I didn’t know is how the characters were going to react; the characters actions were never predictable. The unpredictability of the characters was made even better with how they were always real. I never felt like a real person wouldn’t act in that way. In fact I thought all actions were justified (well nearly all) and possible!

Final Thoughts
Paul is a talented author who has written a thought provoking book with meaningful characters and an intriguing story line that is both heart warming and real.

1 comment:

  1. I need to read this book in 2012! I saw it on several blogs last year but never felt like picking it up. But you saying it has a lot of unpredictable plot turns, makes it climb on top of my wishlist. Thanks for the review!


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