
Joey's Bedtime Stories (#1)

This has took a long time coming so apolgises for that!
I did an introduction post on this new post here

Joey's Bedtime Stories
Books are company for children too

Publisher - Frances Lincoln
Thank you so much for letting Joey review Off to Market

The Blurb
Hop aboard Joe's bus on its way to the market! Here come families carrying fruit and vegetables and boxes and coats, and some chickens . . . and goats! Soon the bus is full to the top and little Keb has to sit right at the back with the animals. And when the bus reaches a hill it just can't go any further. How can they lighten the load and get to market on time?

Joey's Review
Off to Market is a hardback book with pages full of colourful, bold, pictures which children LOVE! It's a story about people getting on the bus with different vegtables, fruit and even animals! 
The pictures are wonderful and really add to the story. Joey loved looking at the pictures and talking them through with his mummy and daddy. He would often count the amount of people on the bus and the people getting on the bus, a great way to learn and become confident in counting the amount of things. 

Joey often asks for 'The Bus Book' at bedtime and says it's one of his favorite stories. So much so that after reading Off to Market a few times he asked his mummy to take him on a bus ride (He hasn't been on a bus before). Joey loved his bus ride experience and talked about the while on the bus. 

Buy Off to Market
Amazon (UK/USA)

1 comment:

  1. SO cute!! I love that children can learn from books and that books encourage them to explore new things.


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