
I'm Back!

Hi Everyone
I am so sorry for not blogging for a while but I am back now!
I do have some news of my own and a reason for not blogging and that is ....
I am going to be a mummy!!!
 photo 12-1.jpg

I have had quite bad morning sickness so haven't had any energy to do blogging. However I am slowly starting to feel better so should be back.
I have missed blogging lots ! =)


  1. Congratulations!!!!! I'm excited for you!

  2. Congrats! That's super exciting news. Babies are so wonderful and kissable. Morning sickness on the other hand, not so much. Glad you're starting to feel better.

    1. Thank you! =)
      Yes morning sickness is definitely not so much haha Will be more than worth it =)

  3. Congrats!!!!!!! I feel for you!! I had really bad morning sickness all through my pregnancy. Hope yours ends soon and you can enjoy being Pregnant. Do you know what your having??

    1. Thanks so much =)
      It's so hard and tiring isn't it? I REALLY hope it goes soon. Pregnancy isn't as easy as you hope it will be lol
      We are keeping the gender a secret =)

  4. Congratulations :)
    Hope you're feeling better soon.x

  5. Awww!!! He/she is so cute! What a perfect shaped head and adorable little pot-belly. Congratulations!

  6. That's amazing, congrats! :)
    I have the same reason why my blogging has been suffering :) Plus a day job. But two weeks, and then I'm free to blog my a** off (officially unemployed again)! And two months before my due date, so hopefully I'll get some reading done!
    Though this will be my second child, but my first one is already 6 years old. Where the h*ll did the time go o.O

    Monaliz @ Mind Reading?


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A book blog featuring Romance, Dark Romance and New Adult