
*Guest Post* Interview with Kate Hinderer

Please welcome Kate Hinderer to Books for Company!
Kate written the recently released Emerald Isle which is based on Fascination Island, it mixes both paranormal and contemporary together.
Thank you Kate for visiting Books for Company!
Emerald Isle (A Fascination Island book)
Hi. I’m author Kate Hinderer and I’m pleased to be guest posting here as part of the book blog tour for The Emerald Isle. This book is part paranormal and part contemporary fiction.

How did you get started writing? 

I think I can pinpoint that to 6th grade. I started a new school then and hung out with the kids at the back of the bus. They were all older and of course I thought I was SO cool. One of them ran the newspaper and she was desperate for help. She asked me to write a few things and I agreed even though I had NO idea what I was doing. A few years later I was writing books about my friends instead of taking notes in class. Once I was a junior I restarted the newspaper that had died in the years since I was a 6th grader. When I had to pick a major, I figured creative writing would be frowned upon so I went with the most legit form of writing – journalism. While I love many aspects of journalism and have had the ability to do some pretty cool things as a result, I always find myself leaning back toward the creative side of writing.

How long did it take you to write the Emerald Isle? 

The idea first hatched in early 2009. At the time I was sending my first book, Aurora Undefined, out to literary agents and finalizing the editing. I wanted to start writing but I didn’t want to rush the first book, so I made myself the promise that I would not start writing the new book that was forming in my mind until AU was totally done. I ended up e-publishing AU in the spring of 2011 and immediately after that I launched into the writing of The Emerald Isle. It took my eight months to write the first draft and then another six months to edit it.

Who is your biggest fan?

It might be hard to narrow down that to one person. My sisters, Amanda and Emily, have always been very supportive of my writing. They are the ones that often read my drafts and half-processed scenes. They offer some suggestions but mostly just encourage me to keep at it. My friend Maggie was the first non-family member to read the first book I ever typed out. I printed out the 100+ pages and sent them to her in the mail. She read them and sent it back to me since it was the only copy I had of the book. Ever since then she has been a cheerleader in my corner.

Is there something about you that might surprise us? 

I’m actually totally embarrassed to talk about my books in public. I will promote them to high heaven on social media, put links on my Facebook account, tweet daily, but get me to talk about my book in front of people and I clam up. The first book, which is a contemporary fiction piece, was much easier to explain to people and even that I shied away from. Trying to explain the plot and reasonings behind a paranormal novel is like pulling teeth. Maybe as I continue to publish it will get easier, but for now I prefer not to. Weird, right?!

Kate Hinderer
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Buy Emerald Island
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