
Blog Tour - Vampire Queen Series Covers + INT Giveaway

When I was asked if I wanted to be involved in the Stolen Nights tour I was very excited and without even having to think my answer was yes. I loved the first in the series, Infinite Days. My review is here
I decided to do my post on the different covers of both Infinite Days and Stolen Nights as I think there as so many great covers!
I haven't wrote about every cover and may not have included all covers. 

Rebecca Maizel's Favourite Cover
This is the German Cover for Infinite Days. I agree, it's a great cover. 
Die Nacht ist Dein (Vampire Queen, #1)

Infinite Days English Covers. (In Order of preference)
UK 1              USA 1                USA 2                 UK 2
The first (UK cover) is definitely my favourite. I love how the title is red as well as the dress (Which is very pretty). I think the red against the black really makes it stand out. 
The second is more unique, I love the font of the title and definitely think it makes you want to find out more about the book. 

Infinite Days International Covers (In Order of preference)
German                Dutch                  Italian               Italian
The first is the German cover. As I  put above this is Rebecca's favourite cover. I also think it's awesome! Just love it. The second is Dutch, I love the colour of this cover and the third and fourth are Italian  covers, I think the first Dutch cover it's quite like the USA cover above with the girl's face on. 

Stolen Nights English Covers
USA                                          UK
I love both of these and I have to admit I think they both took a big step up from the Infinite Days Covers. It is a bit annoying they don't go with the first in the series covers but they are both so beautiful you can't complain too  much! 

Stolen Nights International Cover
Und Ewig Währt der Tag (Vampire Queen, #2)
This is the German cover for Stolen Nights. It's so pretty, I love the background with the birds and trees. Kind of scary but also awesome!

Rebecca Maizel's Thoughts!
Why were the US covers changed recently?
You know, I don't really know. I think they wanted to re-vamp (excuse the pun) the series because of the delay between book one and two and I'm really happy they did. I quite like them and I think they match the tone of the books, especially STOLEN NIGHT(S). Lenah is very much running in BOOK 2 and this really matches her conflict. Ack. We really can't give anything away, can we?

Why is the UK version not a hardback like the first? Also it doesn’t match.
Oy. Another question I just don't know the answer to. We writers spend so much time worrying about the book. Worrying about the pacing, the characters, the love interest, the dialogue, etc, that when these decisions get made by the publishing house, we don't often know about them. I suppose if I really was upset I could have asked but I really love (fangirl love) the cover of STOLEN NIGHT.

Elizabeth May, the original photographer of INFINITE DAYS is RIDICULOUSLY talented. She's also got a book coming out called The Falconer. And you know she's one of those ridiculously talented and beautiful people who seem to be able to do it all. Annoying right? That's her. It's enraging. BUT I would have loved her to photograph Lenah and Rhode for Book 2. Her vision is so interesting. The model of Lenah the pubs used for INFINITE DAYS had such strength. Elizabeth was really able to capture that.

The paperback cover for STOLEN NIGHT is awesomely appropriate. Lenah is so damaged in this book, forced to be alone, she can't look you in the eye as she did on the cover of INFINITE DAYS. Too much is at stake now.

As for why it is in paperback, I don't know. That again is another decision behind the scenes. It's cheaper to buy in this format and I love that. I want more people to be able to go out and buy the book who might not have been able to had it been published in hardback. I really should know the answers to these questions, huh? I suck.

What do you think about the different covers? Do you have a favourite?

Well, I think the original US INFINITE DAYS cover was really a departure from the many many dark colored paranormal covers that were out at the time. If you see that cover in a store from far away, it really stands out. I loved that. I also loved that the tear was a focal point. Lenah's inability to cry and her inability to shed tears as a vampire is what differentiates her life as a human. So thematically, I liked it. But I think my favorite cover ever is the German cover for Infinite Days. I attached it to this e-mail. AMAZING.

Any other comments about the covers?
I think I got it all :)

Thank you to Lynsey for asking Rebecca these questions for me and to Rebecca for taking the time to answer them. It was very interesting to see Rebecca's own opinions on the covers. 

Please leave comments below with your favourite cover/s!

Thank you to everyone who helped organise this tour!


Rebecca is kindly offering you the chance to win a signed copy of Stolen Nights
- International
- Ends 16th September
- No requirements but there are extra entries.  


  1. I really like the UK cover of Stolen Nights. It's quite original.Second i think is, USA2 :D

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Looks a thrilling read!

  3. The Stolen Nights UK cover is really eyecatching I think
    Katy malkin

  4. Thank you so much for a fantastic book giveaway, that i would love to have the oportunity of reading and reviewing! The covers vary so much & each are unique and striking.

  5. I adore the UK cover of Stolen Nights! Looks so pretty!

  6. I prefer the USA one.
    But I like them both, each cover has their own uniqueness ;)

    lady_milano3 at yahoo dot com

  7. My favorite covers are the German Cover for Infinite Days and the USA cover for Stolen Nights.
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  8. Really hard to pick as they are all beautiful in their own way - but I think I may like the USA #2 cover the best <3

    Mary DeBorde M.A.D.

  9. I like the Infinite Days Italian cover

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