
Paperback or Hardback? #51

Paperback 2 >>
I don't even know if PB 2 is 'official'? if so it's terrible! So badly edited (if edited at all?) the colours are horrible too! I am not a big lover of the PB 1 but it's so much better than the PB 2! Cute picture but again, dislike the editing (not as much as with PB 2 though!)

<< Paperback 1
Paperback 2 >>-
I am sorry but PB 2 is laughable, just terrible?  Yes PB 1 isn't amazing but it's SO much better! PB 1 is quite cute and I would definitely pick it up if looking for a light hearted chicklit read. Would I pick up PB 2? Never! Looks like a psychology book!

<< Hardback 
Hardback 2 </3 >>-
I like both of these covers, I love the city back ground and the lights. The hardback intrigues me but the PB definitely wins it over for me though, so simple yet awesome with how the background is edited and would definitely make me pick it up with the bright colours. 

Please note, some covers l feature are also in other formats. For example a HB cover is usually also in PB and a PB cover is also sometimes on a HB etc.
Also sometimes the PB may be a UK one and the HB may be USA.
It's just a way to compare covers.
</3 - Meh
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<33 Love


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