
Blog Tour - Whisper by Chrissie Keighery

Whisper Whisper - Chrissie Keighery
Series : No
Released : July 2012
Publisher: Templar Publishing
Format : Paperback
Source : Publisher
Buy : Amazon (UK/USA)/Book Depository
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
Fifteen-year-old Demi's world is shattered when she is left profoundly deaf by a sudden illness. Everything is different now, and Demi must learn to adapt to a new school, new friends and even learn a whole new language.

Whisper is a coming-of-age tale, about discovering who you are and where you fit in life. About friendships and first love and, most of all, learning to love the person you are.
 .................................... My Thoughts   ....................................
In Short
- Whisper is a special book which makes you see the world from a different point of view.
- I liked that there was only one main character.
- Throughout the book there is little magical and such meaningful sentences. 
- This book is such an eye opener. 

In Long
Whisper is one of those special books, a book which takes the real world and makes you see it from a different point of view. I love paranormal books, don’t get me wrong, I read them all the time but I believe books are harder to write when written in the real world. Chrissie has had to really think and explore so many different paths and I admire her for doing so. For example, how do you get the attention of a class of children who are all deaf? It’s a real eye opener, I found myself really admiring the people in the world (more than I already did) who are unable to hear or see. I can’t imagine it myself and feel very lucky to both be able to see and hear myself. 
I will admit, a 1/3 of the way through the book I couldn't find myself getting into the book, I loved that Chrissie was making the book a real meaningful one but I felt the storyline was lacking a little. The thing which kept me reading was all the little magical and very meaningful sentences throughout the book which really made me think. Luckily things picked up anyway and I found myself totally engrossed in Demi’s story and seeing how she was going to cope with it all. 
Demi is a strong character who I enjoyed getting to know. I think her reaction to what had happened to her was real. I can see it being a huge struggle so I was kind of glad Chrissie made it feel very real by showing that Demi wasn’t ok and she was struggling to accept that she was unable to hear. It was the way she dealt with it that made me admire her character though. The other characters all played their part but I was grateful that there was only one main character, it definitely suited this sort of storyline.  

Final Thoughts
Whisper has a strong message behind it, one which everyone needs to take notice of to help the people in our world who are less fortunate than us. Chrissie has enabled me to see into almost a different world while I was reading Whisper and it will stay with me forever.


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