
*Review* Consequences Part 1 By Sinistre Ange

Consequences Part 1 By Sinistre Ange
Series : N/A
Released : 12th December 2013
Publisher : Self Published
Format : E Book
Source : Book Tour
Buy : Amazon
Overall rating

 .... The Blurb  ....
Janie has always been a good girl. She gets good grades, always behaves and enjoys the attention she receives for being such a good girl. When her beloved adopted grandmother, who has raised Janie since she was five, goes into the hospital, Janie is shocked to discover that her grandmother is a throwback who thinks that – even at age nineteen – Janie is too young to be by herself in the house. Her grandmother’s son Max becomes Janie’s live-in guardian; she hasn’t seen him since she was ten and it’s clear that he now recognizes that she’s all grown up into an attractive young woman, but that doesn’t mean that she’s going to be allowed to go without any kind of discipline. 

Suddenly Janie finds herself frustrated by the presence of this dominating, attractive man in the house; she thinks she’s too old for a ‘baby-sitter’ and goes out of her way to show it. Unfortunately that just brings down some creative punishments onto her head that she wasn’t prepared for. Being naughty suddenly became a lot more tempting… but what side of Janie will win out? And is she prepared for the consequences? 

This book contains mature content, voyeurism, exhibitionism, an older man and the sexual awakening of a young woman. Part II coming soon.

 ... My Thoughts   ...
In Short
- I wanted more from the characters.
- This book has left me with mixed feelings.
- I want to see where things go next. 

In Long
I really like Golden Angel so I was looking forward to this. I am all for taboo books, in fact I love the challenge of them and them pushing my boundaries and feelings. However I am really unsure about how I feel about this, mainly because I wanted more from the characters. 

This is a really short book, around 50 pages I believe. This meant there wasn't much time to get to know the characters on a more 'personal' level or for their characters to become developed. I think I really missed this, especially as I am very unsure about 'Uncle'. I wanted to know him more so I can make my mind up. 

I am just so unsure about what happens in this book, it left me feeling really strange and uncomfortable at times. 

Final Thoughts
I want to read part 2 to see where things go next. 

Find Golden Angel

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