
*Review* - Vow of Obedience by Brianna Hale

Released : 11th April 2019
Publisher: Self Published
Format : E book
Source : Blog Tour
Buy : Amazon
Overall rating

.... The Blurb  ....

Don’t cry, little girl. Daddy will forgive you.

The job was meant to be impossible, even for the Cavalieri Della Morte. Kill Adelmo Lange, the reclusive crime boss who murdered my brother.

Until her. Adelmo's daughter.

Branwen has taken a vow of silence to atone for her sins, but I don’t need her to say a word. She’s the bait that’s going to draw my target out.

Now she’s going to swear another vow. A vow of obedience. To me.

Together, we’re going to take down her father. If she does exactly what I tell her, she may even escape with her life.

Do as daddy says.

.... My Thoughts   ...
In Short
- Quick, intense, addictive read.
- A LOT happens in a small amount of pages. 

In Long
Wow. Just wow

Intense, captivating, enthralling.
 This was a quick read which went way too fast for me but in another sense it felt like there was so much in it for a smaller book. So much happened it was a real roller coaster of the ride.

Geraint made me feel the conflicting emotions which I often find really addictive. His a bad man who does bad things but my goodness, he had me proper swooning through most of the book. His a real conflicted character who changes like the wind. 

Branwen balances out Geraint well. His quite a big character who demands attention and doesn't shy away from anyone or anything. 

Final Thoughts 
Truly addictive read which has left me craving more. 

'An angel, no matter how dark his wings are.'

Find Brianna Hale

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