
*Review* Enthralled by Giana Darling

Released : 29th March 2019
Publisher: Self Published
Format : E book
Source : Blog Tour
Buy : Amazon
Overall rating

.... The Blurb  ....

It was the biggest day of my life. 
I know most people say that about something joyous; a graduation, a wedding ceremony, the birth of their first child. My situation was a little different. 
Sure, it was my eighteenth birthday, but it was also the day that I was sold. 
Sold to a man with hair like a crown of gold and eyes blacker than the darkest pits of Hell. 
He bought me to own me, to control me, and to use me as a means to an end. 
I was his tool and his weapon.
And through it all, somehow, I also became his salvation.

.... My Thoughts   ...
In Short
- Despite there being similar story lines Giana has put her own stamp on this book. 
-Cosmia intrigued me with her personality. 
- I felt I should hate Alexander but at times, just couldn't. 

In Long
When I read the blurb for Enthralled I knew I had already read a few books like this before, with the same sort of 'theme' but the blurb really grabbed me and I just had to read it. I am so so glad I did because from the first page I was completely engrossed in this intense, messed up and crazy story that everything around me was forgotten. The books which make you forget your surrounding are the best, only achieved by the best, and this was the case with Enthralled every time I picked it up.

What can I say about Cosima? She is as unique as her name. Her journey throughout this book and seeing how she reacted to different situations was completely captivating. Honestly with these sort of books its so easy for the female character to frustrate the reader but Cosima was written perfectly.

Alexander, where do I start. Oh how I hate him but at the same time can't help but be drawn to him. Which feels so wrong, I should despite him but there are times I can't find it within myself to. I really felt conflicted like Cosima. He is perfect for this story, has his own story to tell which slowly unravels throughout the book. He creates suspense just with his actions, being so unpredictable.

As I said, I have read a few books which similar story lines but Giana has managed to make her own stamp with this book. It's a fast paced book, there wasn't one time I could easily put this down and would have sat all day to read this if I could. 

Final Thoughts 
Giana is a talented author who I will definitely be reading more of in the future. 

'You may own my body, Lord Thorton, but you will never own my mind, my spirit or my heart.'

'A hunter like me might find you too pretty a thing to not take a bite out of, or at least to use as bait.'

'Love me or hate me if you will. Either way, I will always be on your mind.'

' "I am a beast, my beauty," he agreed with a feral grin. "But I am your beast." '

Find Giana Darling

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