
Author Interview - Logan Belle

Please welcome Logan Belle to Books for Company.
Logan is a pen name, her real name being Jamie Brenner. Thank you Jamie for answering my interview questions, I found it really interesting to get to know about The Angel trilogy from your side, as the writer. 
Logan Belle

The Blue Angel Series is an erotica series with romance entwined. What made you decide to write erotica and how did you want to make this series different from other erotica series/books?
I didn’t necessarily know I wanted to write erotica at the time that I started thinking about Blue Angel – I just knew that I wanted to write about the world of burlesque. My boyfriend took me to my first show on my birthday, and I was completely fascinated. I started imagining how the women got involved in burlesque, and I reached out to a few of them to hear their stories. At the same time, I was going through a time of tremendous personal upheaval. I was getting divorced and falling in love with someone new. I started questioning everything about myself, my choices in life thus far, and what I wanted from a partner in the future. I think Blue Angel is different from other erotica novels in that the hero is not the focal point for the heroine – she is the focal point. It is about her growth as a woman – sexually, professionally – and how he is able to fit into that change. It’s not about her winning him or getting him.

I feel that the main character, Mallory, is a strong character who can stand up for what she believes in but at the same time can be a weak character when it comes to certain people and situations. Do you agree and what personality traits did you try to incorporate into Mallory's character?
I definitely agree. I tried to show Mallory as making mistakes that a lot of young women make: they are so focused on being “good” girls and pleasing others and security that they don’t take the time to really examine what they want out of life, and how best to go about it. When Mallory sees her first burlesque show, it awakens these questions in her. At the same time, her boyfriend is provoking her to be more sexually adventurous. And he gets more than he bargained for.

Alec, Mallory's boyfriend, is someone I can see myself falling for and can totally see why Mallory loves him. How would you describe Alec and what do you think it is that Mallory finds so attractive in him?
I’m happy to hear you say that, because some readers don’t! Personally, I love Alec: He’s smart, he’s funny, he can be a bit of a jerk – but a charming jerk. He’s great in bed. Mallory knows they are a great match: they have sexual chemistry, they have history, and he challenges her and loves her.

Which was the best book in the series to write and why?
I really had fun with the second book, Fallen Angel, because I got to introduce a real villain in Violent Offender. Again, I got the idea for her after seeing a spectacular show in Los Angeles. A performer named Sin Fisted just blew me away – she was a burlesque dancer and contortionist. She was edgy and super-talented. Then I learned that another performer in the show also worked as a Dominatrix. The two combined in my mind to make Violet, Mallory’s nemesis. Creatively, I let myself go with that novel in a way that I don’t think I’ve been able to since. To this day, there are some scenes that I can’t believe I put in there, but I’m glad I did.

Find Logan/Jamie

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  1. nice post :)

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