
*Review* Coveted by Shawntelle Madison

Coveted (Coveted, #1)   Coveted - Shawntelle Madison
Series : #1 Coveted
Released : 24th April 2012
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Format : Paperback
Source : Author (Thank you, Thank you, Thank you)
Buy : Amazon Paperback (UK/USA)/Book Depository 
Overall rating

 .................................... The Blurb  ....................................
For werewolf Natalya Stravinsky, the supernatural is nothing extraordinary. What does seem strange is that she’s stuck in her hometown of South Toms River, New Jersey, the outcast of her pack, selling antiques to finicky magical creatures. Restless and recovering from her split with gorgeous ex-boyfriend, Thorn, Nat finds comfort in an unusual place: her obsessively collected stash of holiday trinkets. But complications pile up faster than her ornaments when Thorn returns home—and the two discover that the spark between them remains intense.
Before Nat can sort out their relationship, she must face a more immediate and dangerous problem. Her pack is under attack from the savage Long Island werewolves—and Nat is their first target in a turf war. Toss in a handsome wizard vying for her affection, a therapy group for the anxious and enchanted, and the South Toms River pack leader ready to throw her to the wolves, and it’s enough to give anybody a panic attack. With the stakes as high as the full moon, Nat must summon all of her strength to save her pack and, ultimately, herself.

 .................................... My Thoughts   ....................................
In Short
- I straight away became enthralled in Coveted. 
- I really liked the main character, Nat. She is a strong character but is also sensitive and takes things to heart.
- The storyline is fast paced. 
- There are many different characters who are different sorts of paranormal creatures in this book. It really made Coveted unique.  

In Long
I haven’t read a werewolf book for ages so when I was asked whether I would like to review Coveted, I jumped at the chance. It sounded perfect for my werewolf ‘fix’ which was very much needed. Before I started Coveted I had started a few other books which I hadn't been able to get into, Coveted was the total opposite. I straight away found myself enthralled in the story which was a pleasant surprise.

The storyline is really easy to get into because it’s all quite fast paced. I really liked how I was thrown into the story but in a way which still enables you to get to know the characters and what’s going on without jumping into anything too quickly. Everything was gradual, like how I knew that Nat was an outcast but I didn’t know the reason for this and the details involved. It gave me something else to hold out for and to keep me interested in the book as well as the main storyline.

The characters really compliment the storyline, there are all types of characters, some which I loved and others which I disliked. The characters are all different paranormal creatures which was great because I loved seeing them together it made the whole book feel unique and different. I am not always a big fan of the creatures which seem too far retched, luckily I never felt that with Coveted and these creatures actually add to the book.

Nat, the main character, is definitely a character I liked. She is very strong but also has her weakness which made her feel very much real to me. I straight away really liked how kind and sweet she was, she always means well but ends up getting herself into some sort of ‘bother’.

Final Thoughts
Coveted is a great read, I found myself really getting into the whole story as well as involved with the characters, especially Nat who I felt like I befriended. There is so much going on with the relationships developing, the storyline going in different directions as well as the aspects of the pack with their ranking and dynamics.


  1. I think I really need to read this. I LOVE wolf stories and this one sounds so much more!

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