
Nicole Williams Book Quotes #1

I love Nicole's writing and one of the reasons I love her writing is because the amount of awesome quotes which you can get from her books.
I have actually only read the Crash series but know even from those three (and Up In Flames) that so many awesome quotes can be pulled from her books. 

Here are just some of them I love from the Crash series. 

My favourite quote :
“Mom told me that love is like a seed. You've got to plant it to grow. But that's not all. You need to water it. The sun needs to shine enough, but not too much. The roots have to take hold," he continued, narrowing his eyes in concentration. "And from there, if it pops its head above the surface, there are about a million things that could kill it, so it takes a whole lot of luck too.”

Crash (Crash, #1)
Crash :
“It was silent, but a silent that was so loud I wanted to cover my ears.”

“And I’m sorry I ruined everything we had before I could admit it to you. Before I could admit it to myself. You didn’t make me a better person, because no one can do that. You made me want to be a better person.”

“You’ve got all my firsts,” he said. “All the ones that matter.”

“How does a guy like you promise someone forever at eighteen?” 

“Easy,” he said, pressing a soft kiss into the corner of my mouth. “He finds a girl like you.”

“The name’s Jude Ryder, since I know you’re all but salivating like a rabid dog to know, and I don’t do girlfriends, relationships, flowers or regular phone calls. If that works for you, I think we could work out something special.” 

If you haven't yet read this series please note some quotes will be spoilers! 

Clash : 
“You're all I've got, Luce. I'll do anything not to lose you," he said, his scar pinching into his cheek. "Just tell me what I'm doing wrong and I'll fix it.”“See? That’s it,” he said, waving his hand. “That’s part of what makes us so great, Luce. I’m crazy. You’re crazy. Together, we make our own brand of crazy.”

“When are you going to stop looking at all the reasons you shouldn’t be together and start focusing on the reasons you should be?”

“It's because you're letting the fairy tales you grew up hearing in storybooks and the baseless ideas of love cloud your mind. Love isn't easy. Especially the really good kind. It's difficult, and you'll want to rip your hair out just as many days you'll feel the wind at your back." She paused smiling to herself. "But it's worth it. It's worth fighting for”

“Love is just as much suffering as it is sweetness. If it was perfect, that's what they'd all it. They wouldn't call it bittersweet.”

“Jude wasn’t just my first love. He was my forever love.”

Crush :
“This was my life.  And you know what? Life was pretty damn good. Even despite the fact that I had no clue where I was.” 

“I'm sick of hearing people tell us how not right we are for each other. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean we're not true.” 

“I'd discovered another of life's cliches by being with Jude: the happier you are in life, the faster it passes you by.”

“I can forgive a man’s past faults, his present shortcomings, and his future failures if every minute of every day he loves me like it’s his religion.”

Thanks to everyone on Goodreads and Amazon who shared the quotes 


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