
Top Ten Tuesday #11

Top Ten is run by The Broke and the Bookish 

Top Ten Best/Worst Movie Adaptations

Well this is quite a hard one for me to do because I have to admit I haven't read many books and then watched the movies. It's often turned out that I have watched the movie before reading the book and when I have done that I can't then read the book! 
However I am going to list some movies which I have really enjoyed.

I am sure this one will feature in most people posts. I haven't ever read this series but I do ADORE the movies. I have watched them quite a few times and I am yet to get bored. I do wonder if that would be different if I had read them beforehand!

I actually have a few books by Nicholas on my shelf but I haven't ever read a book by him. I do however adore The Notebook movie. It's amazing. 

Yep, as you predicted, I haven't read this book either. However me and my partner went to see the movie and I totally loved it. So gripping. I can see why the book is so popular. 

I watched the original of this movie where it's in a foreign language. Such amazing movies! I haven't ever read the books though which is a shame. 

Another great book turned into a great movie by Stephanie. I admit, again, I haven't read the actual book but I am in no doubt after watching the movie that I would have loved this book!

I don't actually know if I could have read this book. I am easily freaked out and the movie really got me at a few points. It's very intense and I can imagine the book is even more so.

Oh how I wish I would make time to read this book. The movie had me in uncontrollable tears. I definitely aim to read this and more books by Jodi. What an amazing writer. 

I actually read this book before the movie and although i found them very different I adored them both!

Although I haven't read the books of these I sadly found the movies dull. 
Warm Bodies (Warm Bodies, #1)The Perks of Being a Wallflower
I haven't read the book which I am gutted I didn't do before I watched the movie. Sadly I wasn't very impressed with the movie. There just wasn't enough action for a movie. In a way I can see this would probably be a better read than it was a watch. 

This is a massive book and very popular so I was excited to watch the movie. Sadly I just didn't get it. It was kinda boring and felt there just wasn't much behind the storyline. Maybe it would be different if I read the book?


  1. Your intro was really confusing to me LOL

    I can't believe I forgot The Lovely Bones, such a great and heart-wrenching story.

    Top Ten

  2. Great list! I really enjoyed the movies The Lovely Bones & My Sister's Keepers but I haven't read the books.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. good picks!! good to know your top ten!

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